professor emeritus中文什么意思

发音:   用"professor emeritus"造句
  • professor:    n. 1.(大学)教授〔略 Prof ...
  • emeritus:    adj. 保留头衔而退休的,名誉的。 ...
  • emeritus professor:    名誉教授; 荣休教授;荣休讲座教授
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  1. Currently he is lamont university professor emeritus of harvard university , usa and master of trinity college at cambridge university
  2. He was dean of stanford s graduate school of business and became professor emeritus in 1999 . professor spence is a founder of signaling in economics
  3. Edward a . remler is a professor emeritus at the college of william and mary , in virginia . he has worked in nuclear and particle physics theory for the last 50 years
    爱德华. a .雷姆勒是弗吉尼亚州威廉与玛丽学院的名誉退休教授,他从事核子和粒子理论物理工作长达50年之久。
  4. Professor a . michael spence is a senior fellow at the hoover institution and philip h . knight professor emeritus of management in the graduate school of business at stanford university
    斯彭思教授是史丹福大学胡佛研究中心高级研究员,以及史丹福大学商学研究院的philiph . knight管理学荣休讲座教授。
  5. Jerry banks , professor emeritus of the georgia institute of technology ( u . s . ) , who helped to develop the asia logistic institute in singapore , shared his insight on the creativity in logistics


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